



Venkorv / Ven sausage         A Product from Ven (lactose and gluten free)                                       139 kr

Egengjord av rådjur och vildsvin. Serveras med örtpotatissallad eller potatismos och färsk sallad.

Made of deer and wild boar.  Served with potato salad or mashed potatoes and fresh salad.

Wienersnitzel                                                                                                                                                      175 kr

Griskött, pommes frites, bearnaisesås, färsk sallad.

Pork, fries, Bearnaise sauce, fresh sallad.

Fish N Chips                                                                                                                                                         149 kr

Friterd fisk, pommes frites, aioli/ Fried fish, fries. aioli

 Vegetarisk biff / vegetarian beef.    (Laktosfri / lactosefree)                                                                 156 kr

Hemlagade biffar med haloumi, morötter, chili. Serveras med fransk potatissallad och färsk sallad               

Haloumi, carrots, chili. Served with French potato salad and fresh salad.


Varmrökt lax / Smoked Salmon (Glutenfri)                                                                                                239 kr

Serveras med vår egen örtpotatissallad, färsk sallad, citron och örtdressing

Served with potato salad, fresh salad, lemon and verbsause.


Räkmacka / Shrimp sandwich    (Laktosfri / lactose free)                                                                      155 kr

Bröd, räkor, sallad, majonnäs, ägg, citron, dill

Bread, shrimps, salad, mayonnaise, egg, lemon, dill


Ceasarsallad / Caesar salad                                                                                                                          139 kr

Romansallad, kyckling, bacon, parmesanost, krutonger, dressing                                                                    

Roman salad, chicken, bacon, parmesan cheese, croutons, dressing


Toast sandwich                                                                                                                                                  70 kr

Vitt bröd med ost och skinka eller kalkon. Serveras med färsk sallad                                   

White bread with cheese and ham or turkey. Served with salad


Kycklingspett / Chicken spear    (glutenfri)                                                                                                169 kr

Serveras med vår egen honungpotatissallad, färsk sallad och dressing. 

Served with our own honey potato salad, fresh salad and dressing. 


Köttbullar / Swedish Meatballs (glutenfri)                                                                                                  135 kr

Nötfärsbullar serveras med potatismos, gräddsås, lingonsylt och färsk sallad                    

Beef meatballs. Served with mashed potatoes, brown sauce, and fresh salad


PIZZA gjord på surdeg


Margherita (vegetarisk)                                                                                                                                   125 kr Tomatsås, basilika, ost / Tomato sauce, basil

Vesuvio                                                                                                                                                                125 kr

Tomatssås, skinka, ost / tomato sauce, ham, cheesse.

Diabolica                                                                                                                                                            150 kr

Tomatsås, peperoni, oliver, paprika, svamp, ost.                                                       

Tomato sauce, pepperoni, olives, grilled peppers, mushrooms, cheese.

Tonnata                                                                                                                                                                                               160 kr

Tomatsås, tonfisk, räkor, rödlök, oliver, ost                 

Tomato sauce, tuna, shrimp, red onion, olives, cheese

Primo Amore                                                                                                                                                                                    145 kr

tomatsås, skinka, mozzarella, rucola, ost

tomato sauce, ham, mozzarella, arugula, cheese

Gustosa (vegetarisk)                                                                                                                                        135 kr

Tomatsås, ost, torkade tomater, oliver / tomato sauce, cheese, dried tomatoes, olive

Vitlökspizza / Garlic pizza  (vegetarisk)

Vitlöksolja ost och flingsalt / garlic chees and salt                                                                                  125 kr                

Four Cheese                                                                                                                                                       149 kr

Tomat sauce, blue cheese, mozarella, brie and pizzacheese.